colorful houses in neighborhood with green trees


A subdivision is the division of any area of land into two or more parcels and can include a re-subdivision and/or a consolidation of two or more parcels. There are three types of subdivision plans: preliminary, tentative and final.

Subdivision Procedure

Discuss the subdivision of land with the Development Officer by calling 902-883-3387. This is necessary because different areas throughout the Municipality require different lot sizes and frontages depending on their location and zone.

At the Planning and Development Office, complete a subdivision application for approval along with one digital copy and 5 hard copies of the surveyed plan of subdivision. This plan is to be prepared by a registered Nova Scotia Land Surveyor. Digital submissions can be made by emailing At the time of digital submission, please inquire about applicable fees and payment options.

Contact the Municipal Department of Infrastructure and Operations to determine whether the lot can be serviced by sewer and/or water.

If sewer services are not available, the lot must meet Nova Scotia Environment requirements for installation of an on-site sewage disposal system. You will need to hire a qualified person to assess the lot and determine the minimum lot size. That report will need to be submitted to the Provincial Department of Environment for final approval, along with a copy of the proposed plan of subdivision.

Review NSE Checklist for Subdivision Application Information Required.

Contact Nova Scotia Public Works or the Municipality for driveway access approval (depending on whether the road is provincially or municipally owned).

The application is sent to other provincial agencies for their approval/comments (Department of Environment, Department of Transportation, Land Registration Office).

Two copies of the plan, the Notice of Subdivision Approval, along with registration fees and documents as required, are sent to the Provincial Registry of Deeds for registration, when the plan meets all municipal requirements.

When the Notice of Approval is returned from the Registry of Deeds, the approved plans are ready to be returned to the applicant.

The length of time required to grant subdivision approval can vary depending on location and approvals required from other department or agencies. Generally, the process takes about 4- 6 weeks for a Final Plan of Subdivision.

Please Note: Large scale subdivision plans involving new roads or phased development require additional submissions, including a concept plan, engineered street and service designs and storm drainage plans.

Contact the Development Officer at 902-883-3387 or for more information.

Departmental Contacts

30 Damascus Road, Suite 115
Bedford, N.S.
902-424-7773 (phone)
902-424-0597 (fax)
*Lot requirements, septic tank and disposal field, on-site sewage disposal application.
Visit Website

4 Ivey Lane
West Hants Ind. Park
Windsor, N.S.
902-798-2369 (phone)
902-798-2927 (fax)
*Access to provincial roads
Visit Website

5 Shylah Drive
Kentville, N.S.
902-679-6751 (phone)
*Registration of final subdivision approval
Visit Website