A group of young children in a park running towards the camera

Recreation Programs
& Activities

The Parks, Recreation and Culture Department provides programs, events and activities to all residents and community groups within the Municipality of East Hants.

March Break Program Guide

Our March Break program guide is ready! Click the button below to see what we have in store.

Our Programs

A group of children playing ball hockey

Child & Youth Recreation Programs

Our child and youth recreation programs offer a wide range of opportunities for young people to get active through recreational and instructive sports. See our current offerings and register below.

Two women bumping their hips together at a dance class

Adult Recreation Programs

From recreational weekly sports to dance classes, East Hants has offerings to keep adults of all ages active and moving! Check out programs and register below.

A group of women sitting at a table drawing

Arts & Culture Programs

Get creative and learn new skills in one of our arts and culture programs! From visual arts to textile crafts to performing arts, we have options for all ages – learn more and register below.

A group of smiling seniors around a table

Free Programs

From monthly senior socials to drop-in family open gym nights, we have free recreation options for everyone! Check out our upcoming programs at the link below.

See programs

Withdrawing From Programs

The Municipality will issue a full refund to the client for the full amount of a payment received for a program (swim lessons, day camps, etc.) if notice of request to withdraw from a recreation or aquatics program is received a minimum of seven (7) days prior to the start date of the program.

A refund of 50% will be issued if request to withdraw is received within seven (7) days of the start date of the program. No refund will be issued on or after the start date of a program. The request must be made via email to recreation@easthants.ca or aquatics@easthants.ca

If a program is cancelled by the Municipality of East Hants, credit will be issued to the clients account and, if requested, the credit may be paid out by cheque. Please allow 4-5 weeks for processing.

Liability Waver
The Municipality of East Hants is not liable for injuries sustained by participants. Participation is at your own risk.

Late Registrations
Program fees may be pro-rated for late registrants until the second day of a particular session or program. As some programs have evaluated or instructional components, the municipality reserves the right to restrict participants from joining certain programs after the initial start date.

Age Policies
For programs with age restrictions program participants must meet the required age by the start date of the program. Please note that some programs are available to any age group.

The Municipality of East Hants will not reschedule sessions, or issue credit, for programs or sessions which a registered participant does not attend.

Course Requirements
Programs may have prerequisites or other requirements for participation outlined in the program description. All participants must show evidence that they meet the requirements stated in the program description prior to the start date of the program.

HST will be added to pricing for registered programs as required.

Pitch a Program

Do you have a program you would like to deliver to the community?

We are looking for individuals or organizations who have specialized skills or training to deliver programs in our communities. We’re interested in program topics such as:

  • Arts, Crafts and Music (e.g. painting, guitar lessons)
  • Sports (e.g. ball hockey, rec leagues)
  • Recreation Programs (e.g. play programs, youth leadership)
  • Fitness (e.g. tai chi, yoga)
  • General Interest (e.g. photography, birding)

Fill out the form below to tell us more and a member of our recreation team will contact you.

Two girls smile and hold up artwork they have made

Pitch a Program

Required fields are marked (required)

Contact Information

If you are a business, do you have any of the following coverage?
Program Format (required)
Preferred Day(s): (required)

Equipment Loan

Recreation Equipment kits are supplied with pieces of sport and leisure equipment for the purpose of creating a more physically active community! Equipment is available for those in the East Hants area.

  • Kits can be borrowed for a maximum of one (1) week at a time
  • Borrowers are encouraged to call to reserve equipment prior to pick up
  • Borrowers are responsible for equipment while in their care
  • Payment to be made on same day as pick up

  • Not For Profit Groups and Schools: Free of cost
  • Individuals and Businesses: $2.00/day or $10.00/week
  • Snowshoes – $2.00/day per pair or $10.00/week per pair

  • Snow Shoes (various sizes)
  • Igloo Blocks
  • Lacrosse (sticks and balls)
  • Softball (mask, helmets, bat, balls)
  • Leisure Time Kit (various balls and frisbees)
  • Soccer balls
  • Basketballs
  • Floor Hockey (sticks, pucks, balls)
  • Scooters
  • Skipping Ropes
  • Pedometers
  • Boundary Markers/Pylons
  • Parachute
  • Compasses
  • Life Jackets
  • Badminton Racquets

The Adaptive Recreation Equipment Loan Program is a new resource for families of children and youth who have a physical disability and/or individuals who would benefit from its use. This equipment will provide opportunities to borrow a variety of equipment to experience new leisure pursuits.

If your child is interested in borrowing a piece of equipment for the first time, we recommend that you contact Recreation Therapy – Pediatric Rehabilitation at the IWK Health Centre for an initial assessment at 902-470-3840.

Please note:

  • Equipment is loaned on a first come, first served basis
  • Please book at least a week in advance of use
  • Borrow for up to 2 weeks at a time
  • Cost to borrow is only $20 (annual maintenance fund)

Please call or email in advance to book equipment:


Toll Free: 1-866-758-2299


Withdrawing from Programs

The Municipality will issue a full refund to the client for the full amount of a payment received for a program (swim lessons, day camps, etc.) if notice of request to withdraw from a recreation or aquatics program is received a minimum of seven (7) days prior to the start date of the program.

A refund of 50% will be issued if request to withdraw is received within seven (7) days of the start date of the program. No refund will be issued on or after the start date of a program. The request must be made via email to recreation@easthants.ca or aquatics@easthants.ca

If a program is cancelled by the Municipality of East Hants, credit will be issued to the clients account and if requested, the credit may be paid out by cheque. Please allow 4-5 weeks for processing.