Take notice that the Planning and Development Department for the Municipality of East Hants has received the following applications:
PLN23-011: MPS and LUB Mapping Amendment and Development Agreement Application, East Uniacke Road & Nature Drive
An application has been received from 3230225 Nova Scotia Limited (Cottage Country) to redesignate and rezone PID 45147154, PID 45147253, and PID 45187242 to Rural Comprehensive Development District (RCDD) Designation and Zone. The application also seeks to enter into a development agreement with the Municipality for the same properties, with the addition of PID 45155314, PID 45403144, PID 45392602, and PID 45155306, to permit a 550 dwelling unit bare-land condominium development with 24.6 hectares of multi-use development (commercial & residential). The land under consideration is located between East Uniacke Road, Nature Drive, and Long Lake Road, East Uniacke, adjacent to the existing Cottage Country development.
PLN23-012: Development Agreement Application, Nine Mile River
Application from Tammy and Joe Ferguson to enter into a development agreement to allow for a cosmetology school on property located at 7224 Highway 14 in Nine Mile River.
This is a preliminary notice intended to inform the public of consideration of the proposals. Approval by Municipal Council at a public hearing is required before the proposals may proceed. An advertisement will be published at a later date indicating the time, date, and location of the public hearing and any other public meetings.
For further information regarding these applications, please contact the Planning & Development Department at planning@easthants.ca or 902-883-3387 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, exclusive of statutory holidays or visit easthants.ca/planning-applications.
John Woodford, Director of Planning & Development