Executive Committee – Oct 8 2024


Executive Committee  —  Tuesday, October 8, 2024

    (This meeting will be recorded and livestreamed, excluding in-camera topics)
  2. Corporate & Residential Services Committee: Councillor Michael Perry, Chairperson

  3. 9:00 AM
    Call To Order
    Approval of or Amendments to the Agenda of all sub-committees
    Approval of the Minutes of September 17, 2024
    Employee Recognitions:
    – Scott Preston, Manager of Recreation & Aquatics – 5 years
  8. 9:05 AM
    (In Camera) Land Issue: A. Pyne
  9. 9:25 AM
    Fire Advisory Committee Terms of Reference: A. Hatfield
  10. 9:35 AM
  11. Parks, Recreation & Culture Committee: Councillor Keith Rhyno, Chairperson

  12. 9:40 AM
    Call To Order
    Approval of Minutes of June 18, 2024
  14. 9:40 AM
    2025 Volunteer Award Location & Date: A. Tapper
  15. 9:50 AM
    District Recreation Fund & Beautification Grant Allocation: A. Tapper
  16. 10:05 AM
    Wyatt Sanford – Keys to the Municipality: J. Swinemer
  17. 10:15 AM
  18. 10:30 AM
    Sportsplex Update Fall 2024: S. Preston
  19. 11:00 AM
    (In Camera) Contractual Issue: S. Preston
  20. 11:10 AM
  21. Infrastructure & Operations Committee: Councillor Sandra Garden-Cole, Chairperson

  22. 11:10 AM
    Call To Order
    Approval of Minutes of September 17, 2024
  24. 11:25 AM
    Cross Connection Control (CCC) Retrofit Program: J. Hulsman
  25. 11:35 AM
    Shubenacadie Village Core Parking: L. Blanchard
  26. 11:45 AM
    (In Camera) Contractual Issue: J. Hulsman
  27. 12:00 PM
    Adjournment & Lunch Break
  28. Planning Advisory Committee: Councillor Norval Mitchell, Chairperson

  29. 1:30 PM
    Call To Order
    Approval of Minutes of September 17, 2024
  31. 1:30 PM
    PLN24-008 – Gurmehar Walia Singh – Development agreement application: D. Uloth
  32. 1:45 PM
    PLN24-009 – Tot’s Academy – Development agreement amendment application: D. Uloth
  33. 2:00 PM
    PLN24-003 – Talal Waeb – Designation and rezoning: L. Martin
  34. 2:15 PM
    Extension of Housing Working Group term: J. Woodford
  35. 2:25 PM
    Lot grading and drainage – further discussion: D. Uloth
  36. 2:55 PM
    Adjournment & Break
    (To be followed by a Regular Meeting of Council (Policy & In-Camera) meeting)


  1. This document is not available.
  2. (16) 2024/2025 Planning Workplan – October 2024