The Municipality’s budget determines how much money the municipality will bring in and spend within a year. It determines the level of service provided to East Hants residents and guides decisions on spending. The 2025/2026 overall Municipal Operating Budget is $51.1 Million.
The Operating Budget provides detailed information on property assessments and year over year variances in the cost of municipal programs, services and revenues. It outlines information on tax burden, tax rates, area rates, provincial transfers, protective services (RCMP and Fire) and municipal reserves. Approximately 80% of the funds for the operating budget comes from property taxes. The remaining comes from provincial grants and user fees.
The Capital Budget provides detailed information on the five year capital plan for the Municipality and funds infrastructure that supports service delivery. It pays for sidewalks, streetlights, water and wastewater. The capital budget is primarily funded from reserves, development charges, funding from other levels of government and from borrowing funds.
The Operational Business Plans outline the priority initiatives and department budgets for the six municipal departments and Municipal Council.
The East Hants Water Utility budget is set in accordance with the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board Water Utility Accounting & Reporting Handbook.
2024-2025 Operational Business Plans
2023-2024 Operational Business Plans
2022-2023 Operational Business Plans
2021-2022 Operational Business Plans
2020-2021 Operational Business Plans
2019-2020 Operational Business Plan
2018-2019 Operational Business Plan
2017-2018 Operational Business Plan
2016-2017 Operational Business Plan
2023-2024 East Hants Water Utility Operating Budget
2022-2023 East Hants Water Utility Operating Budget
2021-2022 East Hants Water Utility Operating Budget
2020-2021 East Hants Water Utility Operating Budget
2019-2020 East Hants Water Utility Operating Budget
2018-2019 East Hants Water Utility Operating Budget
2017-2018 East Hants Water Utility Operating Budget
2016-2017 East Hants Water Utility Operating Budget
2015-2016 East Hants Water Utility Operating Budget