PLN23-005 Highway 2, Milford

This application is closed.


Stillman Onsite Inc.


To amend the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law to redesignate and rezone a property on Highway 2, Milford

Subject Property

The property is located on Highway 2, Milford. The property is designated Established Residential.  Neighbourhood (ER) and zoned Two-Dwelling Unit Residential (R2). This property is located within the Milford Growth Management Area. The surrounding properties are zoned Two Dwelling Unit Residential (R2) and Open Space (OS) zoning to the rear of the property.


The purpose of this proposal is to amend the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw Mapping to redesignate and rezone a property identified as PID 45091519 from the Established Residential Neighbourhood (ER) Designation to the Medium Density Residential (MR) Designation and the zone from the Two-Dwelling Unit Residential (R2) Zone to the Townhouse (R2-T) Zone. This will enable a townhouse development. The applicant has submitted a concept site plan showing 20 units accessed off a shared driveway. If the application is approved, the developer will still need to apply for site plan approval at which time the detailed layout of the site plan will be reviewed. The applicant has submitted a subdivision application to create four (4) new lots on this property (five (5) lots total) with each lot having frontage along Highway 2.

Reports & Documents


For further information, please contact Lee-Ann Martin, Planner & Development Officer, at 902-883-3387 or