2025 Design Award Winners

February 25, 2025

East Hants is one of the fastest growing Municipalities in Nova Scotia. With that excitement, comes a constantly changing built environment. East Hants wants to celebrate those who have taken the extra care and effort to make East Hants a more beautiful place to live by investing in our built environment through the East Hants Design Awards.

Certificate of Excellence

Shea Investments

For positive contribution to the Enfield Village Core by constructing a visually interesting mixed-use building on a challenging parcel of land.

4324108 Nova Scotia Limited

For site and building design, which makes a positive contribution to the Elmsdale Village Core.

Certificate of Merit

Uniacke Lakes Animal Hospital

For adaptive reuse of a church that converted the church into a veterinarian office,

Bondi Developments Limited

For the development of multiple unit housing in Enfield that is sensitive to the building site.

Sheep Dog Developments Ltd.

For making a positive contribution to the Lantz Village Core and for the addition of new local commercial space.

Walton & Area Development Assoc.

For historic preservation of the Walton Lighthouse by relocation of the light house to prevent the building being lost to erosion.

Enfield & Elmsdale District Lions Club

For community benefit, for constructing new pickleball courts for the community.

Honourable Mention

Wingate Properties Ltd.

For adaptive reuse of the former municipal office building and conversion of the office building into a 10 Unit apartment building.

Dr. Reena Kapadia Dentistry Inc.

For making a positive contribution to the Enfield Village Core through site and building design.

Maple Mews Limited

For using alternative building practices to create an innovative housing development.

Lions Memorial Park Society

For building accessible public washrooms as a benefit to the community of Milford and to Lions Memorial Park users.

For more information about the East Hants Design Awards call the Planning & Development at 902-883-3387 or email planning@easthants.ca.