PLN24-002 Indian Road & Ess Road, Upper Nine Mile River

This application is current.


Edward Hunter


The application requests to redesignate and rezone a property in Nine Mile River from the Agricultural Reserve (AR) zone and designation to the Rural Use (RU) zone and designation.

Subject Property

The subject property is shown on the map to the right and is identified as PID 45189206, located on the corner of Indian Road and Ess Road, Upper Nine Mile River. The property is zoned Agricultural Reserve (AR) zone. The surrounding properties are zoned the Agricultural Reserve (AR) and Rural Use (RU) zone. The property is not located within a Growth Management Area or Growth Reserve Area.


The purpose of this proposal is to amend the Generalized Future Land Use Map (GFLUM) and the Land Use Bylaw Map to change the designation and zone from property that is currently zoned Agricultural Reserve (AR) to the Rural Use (RU) zone and designation to enable future development that is permitted as-of-right under the Land Use Bylaw in the Rural Use zone that is not permitted under the Agricultural Reserve zone. One of the provincial statements of interest has regard for the preservation and protection of agricultural lands in the province for the development of viable and sustainable agriculture. The applicant engaged a professional Agrologist, James C. Stephens, AACI, MRICS, P.App., P.Ag., from Hillside Consulting Ltd., to conduct and Agricultural Impact Study for the subject property compliant with Appendix A-Agricultural Impact Study, of the Municipal Planning Strategy. The study is required to evaluate the CLI soil classification and the impact of the loss of agricultural land based on the proposed application. The study is available below.

Reports & Documents


For further information, please contact Lee-Ann Martin, Planner & Development Officer, at 902-883-3387 or